Achtung: Diese Tour ist ausgebucht! Die Organisatoren führen eine Nachrückerliste.
Herzliche Einladung an alle AGS-Mitglieder zur Teilnahme an dieser internationalen Tour von IFMR Polen:
You’re invited to the motorcycle rally Magical Podlachia, a place where time flows differently. It’s here that you will interact with the might of unspoiled nature, landscapes, vibrant traditions and a bit of magic.
We will drive through forests, national parks, wildlife habitats, river valleys, all the while experiencing the varied and picturesque scenery of Podlachia. Lastly, we will enjoy the regional cuisine, which is as rich and diverse as the blend of cultures which shaped this beautiful region of Poland: Poles, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Tatars and Jews.
Depending on the starting point Warsaw is on the way, which is a great overnight stay and then to ride together to the hotel.
The tour is open for booking as of now via the following link
Hinweis für AGS-Mitglieder: Diese Tour wird NICHT in unser gewohntes Anmeldesystem aufgenommen. Anmeldungen sind ausschließlich über den angegebenen Link möglich!